
The Spirit's Salve


By Upadhyaya Gupti Sagar Muni


Worldly sorrows are endless. When we say we have a problem, it implies there are two options. When we have options we have to choose - the problem of choice creates conflict - and conflict means that there are two sides pitted against each other. Thus problems unhappy conflict.

Let us take a closer look and see what these problems are and how they originate. Once we know the problems we have to decide which angle to view them from. Our problems can be physical, mental, emotional, familial, and financial. We shall concern ourselves here with problems of different origins and their possible spiritual solutions.

Physical Problems : First on our list are physical problems. Our body is of utmost importance to us. The body's main problem is that it is mortal and that it decays. Had this problem been not there the world would have been a different world.

Second, there are ailments of various kinds. We are not always able to stay healthy. All kinds of illnesses come to us - some are seasonal, some are due to our profession or work, some are congenital, some more afflictions. The variety of illnesses in our body is itself is a problem.

The third problem is that of old age. As the body ages our lifeforce decays. Scientists are trying to plug agerelated decay in the body, but they have yet to succeed.

Other than the above, we have problems like hunger and thirst. Related to these is the problem of earning our bread or livelihood.

Mental Problems : Over and above our physical problems are our mental problems. The first among these originates from the mind's instability. The mind is ever inconstant. This state of flux leads to serious disturbance. The casualty, of course, is peace. Loss of peace is not due to a thing or incident, it is due to the problem of choice. (There is a popular saying: if you have no choice you have mo problem). Our mind is assaulted all day long by a variety of choice. No wonder we are tense or unhappy as a result.

The other problem is that the mind is easily influenced. The mind is affected by other men, articles, incidents, and known and unknown factors. The mind carries on reaction all day. We are happy if something good happens, unhappy when something bad happens. This tendency to react corrodes our inner, independent self.

Another problem of mind is that we change our decisions. We decide and then change our minds. We express great determination, we promise, we feel confident and we make decisions. But a slight change in circumstances changes all this, leading to umpteen conflicts and problems.

Yet another mindrelated problem is the mind's susceptibility to live and hate. We get enamored suddenly, we are repelled. We express love in one case and dislike in another. This dichotomy destroys our personality. We become tense. The mind becomes a vehicle for the strong emotions of fear, anger, hatred etc. Our likes and dislikes lead to serious problems.

Problem of Passion : The problem of passion is neither totally physical nor totally mental. It is a problem of body-mind; both the body and the mind contribute to it. Of the three kinds of grief - physical, mental, and physical-mental - the problem of passion belongs to the third category.

The Problem of Attitude or Ideas : Opinions, too, give birth to problems. Thought itself is a problem. The world is so unhappy today because we are subjected to an ideological onslaught. Our thoughts create biases and we lose our capacity to view things objectively. Also, we get influenced by others and can no longer think for ourselves. We no longer wish to verify things or have first hand knowledge. We begin to endorse others views or ideas. We no longer possess a neutral mind which makes us examine matters closely. Various ideologies and viewpoints have have erased our neutrality.

Another problem connected to mind is our memory. We believe what we remember. We even mistake memory for knowledge and memory and thus forget that the two, together, create awareness. Memory alone is not sufficient to base action on.

Times has three reference points: past, present and future. The present is fleetingly short. The past and the future in comparison are never ending. Our present is affected by what we remember (the past) and what we imagine (the future). No wonder we cannot concentrate on the problems which dog our present. We think of what was in the past or what will be in the future, and thus lose our concentration. This too is a major problem.

Family Problems : Our physical, mental and ideological problems are our personal or individual problems. But problems related to family Constitute social problems. The main problem of kinship is that it binds you in a closed space. The problems of family originate in our losing our individuality and the centralisation of all emotion and love. When we lose individuality, we become limited. Also our love gets channelled towuds our family alone. We are no longer free to give it elsewhere.

Within the family each member may be of a different temperament. So a balance has to be struck between losing your individuality and learning to adjust to other family members' ideas, whims and likes and dislikes. Naturally, this adjustment is not easy and leads to unhappiness.

Financial Problems : Financial problems encompass physical, mental, ideological and family problems. The main aspect of any financial problem is that while our desires are limitless, our capacity to satisfy them is limited. Man has no respite from typing to satisfy his endless needs. The point of satiety is never reached. One is always hungering for more. Thus uncontrolled or limitless desire is the main cause of financial problems.

An increase in desire has a direct relationship with the production of newer goods for the market. As new products are introduced we want them. So there is no end to desire - no end to tensions, no end to the problems caused by desire. Desire, lust and greed for possessions are the root cause of unhappiness. Unfulfilled desires lead to conflicts. The result is we rush to accumulate wealth and property. Unless we curb the root cause of desire, we shall have no relief from this problem.

The Spiritual Solutions to These Problems : The problems mentioned above can be solved by spiritual means. Our scriptures state the solutions. All we need to do is learn what these solutions are. To know and be aware of the solutions is the solution. Our awareness must be sharpened. To be unaware means that our lusts have coated our capacity to know (Chatna). When lists control our inner awareness, we become desperate. Unable to reach our goal we start moving in circles.

To solve problems, increase your inner awareness, refine it and let it grow. Consciousness or awareness is of two types: pure consciousness and lustpolluted consciousness. When we react because of love and hate, or likes-dislikes, our consciousness is polluted. Neither are we free nor our minds, awing to such eachive behaviuor. We remain slaves to our reactions. Pure consciousness, however, is action-oriented. It is fully independent.

Jain philosophy tells of three ways to cope with life: correct view, correct knowledge correct conduct. 'See, know and act' - this is the sure path to salvation. This is how liberation is achieved. This is how problems are solved. This is the way we transform or translate our consciousness. This is how we change polluted consciousness into pure consciousness, and thus change our entire outlook.

Solutions to Physical Problems : It has been said earlier that one of our physical problem is the problem of aging. Even though this seems problem, from a spiritual angle it is also the solution. Our maximum attachment is to our body. Till we stop or control this attachment there can be no end to desire. Attachments give birth to fear, and fear leads to tension. Attachment-fear-tension, this is how the cycle goes. But if we stop this fierce attachment to our body, we become less afraid, and when fear goes, tension disappears.

As far as ailments go, some ailments are due to circumstances and some due to our mistakes or follies. According to Ayurvedic principles, when there is an imbalance of vat, pit and kaf in the body, we become ill. This imbalance can be corrected by a balanced diet. Thus to a large extent we can prevent our body from falling sick.

Old age, too is a solution if we become conscious of the oneness of elements. If an aging person enhances his spirituality, if he accepts the precept 'I am my solitary self' principles, he shall know the ultimate truth of existence. Old age provides us an opportunity to be what we are--and thus to be pure, or know purity. It's the golden period in which to come to know and experience solitude. If we accept our aloneness, we won't feel hurt when neglected by others.

Hunger and thirst, heat and cold are local discomforts. Nature has all kinds of opposites in it. Problems and solutions battle against each other. We should accept problems which are due to these elements. We should accept them calmly. Even hunger and thirst can be tolerated if we discipline ourselves.

Solution to Social Problems : Is our mind really unstable? To know this, know your mind. Instability by itself is not a problem. It becomes a problem only when we look outside ourselves. When we look inwards, we find that the mind is not at all unstable. Therefore, knowing your mind is the solution to many problems. Sometimes the mind reacts and control reaction we must learn restraint. Restraint is possible when we see, hear, choose, and love properly.

The third problem of the mind is excitement. The mind gets excited quickly. This leads to pain and discomfort. Spiritual alertness is the answer to this problem. If we are spiritually alert the mind becomes calm. Passion on the other hand makes the mind race in several directions.

Anger, fear, lust. greed and vengeance all are due to passion. When we are alert, we are not prone to disturbances. Anger increases our pulse-rate and we breathe hard. Irrespective of the cause of excitement, we breathe hard when we are excited. Hard breathing is a sure indication that our passion are stirred. Moral alertness is the antidote to excitement.

To know each moment as we live it, is to live in the present. By living in the present you protect yourself from the pain born of memory or imaginary pains. The one who lives in the present lives truly.

It is possible to find a solution to the problems caused by differences of opinion. Non-violence resolves ideological differences. By being tolerant we can reduce conflicts born of diverse ideas. We can control the heat generated by differences of opinion. The spirit of coexistence help us live together despite differences of opinion. This very spirit is echoed in international politics and the United Nations.

The Solution to Problems of Ideology : A lot of emphasis has been placed on memory. Thought originates in memory. When memory surface we begin to think. Our thoughts bind us to our past. Therefore, we have to discipline ourselves to live in the present. The question, however, is : If we stop brooding over the past and stop flights of imagination, we can live in the present. To live in the present, to know our present, and to perceive our present, helps us solve all problems born of opinion.

The Solution to Problems of Family Life : Problems in a family are due to the different likes and dislikes of family members. These differences lead to quarrels and conflicts. If we adjust to each other, the problem disappears. Non-violence must be followed in adjusting to each other, Our family should constitute our experiment with non-violence. Non-violence must begin with the family. Non-violence is needed only in a group. A family is the smallest unit or the smallest social group. If we cannot practice non-violence here, where shall we practice it? Coexistence and non-violence go hand in hand.

The Solution to Financial Problems : Financial problems are complex problems. The entire world revolves around commerce. In Kautilya's Pirusharth Chatushtayi commerce precedes passion, dharma and salvation. To the ones who cannot do without commerce, Lord Mahavira says 'Controldesire' and to those who can do without commerce he says 'Give up'. Can't these two principles solve our finance related problems? Even economists accept the principle of aparigraha when they talk of fair distribution.

'Control your desire' means - don't let your desire overpower you so much that you cause misery to a thousand others. The dual principle of 'fair means in commence' and 'personal restraint' must be observed at all times. This is the solution to problems of finance.

I repeat once again that spirituality solves your physical, mantel, ideological, family and financial problems.



Source : From 'Inner Light' By Upadhyaya Gupti Sagar Muni
Translated By Dr. Sunita Jain


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