Some Events in the Life of Bhagvan Mahavir
After receiving Dharma Shri Mahavir underwent 27 births. Out of these, he was born as a human being 14 times, as angel ten times, in hell two times and animal once.
27 Births of Bhagvan Mahavir :
1. Naysar 2. First Devlok 3. Prince Marichi 4. Fifth Devlok 5. Brahmin Kaushik
6. Brahmin Pusshyamitra 7. First Devlok 8. Brahmin Agnidyot 9. Second Devlok
10. Brahmin Agnibhuti 11. Third Devlok 12. Brahmin Bhardwaj 13. Fourth Devlok
14. Brahmin Sthavar 15. Fifth Devlok 16. Prince Vishvabhuti 17. Seventh Devlok
18. Triprustha Vasudeo 19. Seventh Hell 20. Lion 21. Fourth Hell 22. Prince Vimal
23. Sovereign Priyamitra 24. Seventh Devlok 25. Prince Nandan 26. Tenth Devlok
27. Shri Mahavir Swami Bhagvan
Lord Mahavir was Prince Nandan in his 25th birth. He lived then for 25 Lakh years. He took to monkshood during the last one Lakh years. He practiced in all 11,80,645 monthly fasts plus Vishsthanak tap (fasts) in order to make all the creatures happy by attracting them to Jain Universal path. With the feeling of "Savi Jiv Karu Shasan Rasi". Then he breathed his last and was born in the tenth Pranat Devlok. Here he lived a life for 20 Sagaropam (many years). Then he was born on the 6th Day of the bright fortnight of month of Ashadh. In this birth he possessed three types of Knowledge. He passed nine months and seven days and a half in the womb of Trishala, the queen of King Siddhartha of Kshatriya Kund. He was born at midnight when the moon was in the Utara Falguni ' consternation. At the time of his birth all diseases and epidemics, earthquakes etc. did not occur in this world. There was light everywhere in the 14 Rajaloks. All lives began to experience a sense of happiness for a few moments. The festival of his birth was celebrated on the · summit of the Meru mountain by 56 damsels, 64 Indras and innumerable gods and goddesses. At the desire of his parents, he married Princess Yashoda in his young age. After the death of his parents Lord Mahavir wanted to become a monk at the age of 28 years. But his elder brother king Anandivardhan out of brotherly love, requested Vardhman to extend monkshood for two more years. So he postponed it for further two years.
As the time of his monkshood came nearer, Nine Lokantik Devas requested the Lord: Hail to Nanda ! Hail to Bhadda ! The noblest Kshatriya. 0 best Savior. Hail to you, as good as the best Rishabh among the Kshatriyas. 0 Lord of the three worlds! May you get the light. Accept monkshood, achieve Kevalgyan after getting rid of evil deeds (Karma). May you establish the dharma tirth, that does welfare to the world." Then the Lord gave welfare charities for one year. Then he went to the Gnat Khand Park, sitting in the Chandraprabha palanquin in the procession on the tenth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Kartik. Arriving here, the Lord himself took off all his ornaments and plucked his hair in five handfuls. After leaving all sinful deeds, he uttered 'Namo Siddhanam" and got initiated to monkshood. Immediately Manahparyav knowledge unfolded from his soul. After this initiation into monkshood the Lord faced hard troubles and harassment's. He had no sleep during this period extending over twelve years and a half. He always kept silent. During this period he never squatted down with his legs crossed on-each other. But he was in the Kausagga posture day in and day out. He also fasted for 4166 days during this period, lie ate for only 349 days. After this long period of 12 1/2 years, in the goduhika posture, under the Shal tree (behind the delipated structure of a Yaksha) in the field of farmer Shyamak, situated on the bank of the Rujuvalika river near the village of Jambhiya in Bihar on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh he achieved Kevalgyan (omniscience) and Kevaldarshan (omnivision). On this day Lord Mahavir delivered a religious discourse in the twelve parshadas (assemblies). This discourse was not successful as nobody took up monks-hood. He then went to the Mahsenvan. Here he cleared the doubts of Indrabhooti and other ten Brahmins, and they were initiated into monkshood along with their 4400 pupils or disciples. These eleven pupils composed Dwadashangi scriptures and were conferred the status or rank of ganadhars. The Lord established the Sangh consisting of four parts.
As a result of his discourse, lives of many Kings and emperors, merchants, villagers, thieves and dacoits and wicked persons took a better turn. They turned a new leaf, King Shrenik, King Cheda, Konik, Chandra-pradyot and Udayan were outstanding devotees and followers of Lord Mahavir. Lord passed his last monsoon in the Lekh room) of King Hastipal in Pavapuri. Lord Mahavir gave a continuous discourse for 48 hours when he had realized of his salvation (final departure). He had been on fast for last two days of the month of Ashwin. He sat in the Lotus seat posture controlling his breath and remaining in the fourteenth Gunsthanak (as big as five short letters), when the moon was in the Swati consternation at the auspicious time of Sarvarth Siddhi, he breathed his last. During his life span of 72 years, he remained as a civilian for 30 years and was in the monkshood for twelve and half years (in the Chhadmasth state) and was in Kevali state for a period of 29 years, two months and twenty eight days in all.
Family of Bhagvan Mahavir
1. Mother's name was Trishalarani.
2. Father's name was King Siddharth.
3. Elder brother was King Nandivardhan.
4. Elder sister was Sudarshana.
5. Wife was Yashoda.
6. Daughter was Priyadarshana.
7. Son-in-law was Jamali.
8. Grand daughter was Sheshavati.
9. Maternal uncle was King Chedsu
10. Uncle was Suparsva.
Bhagvan Mahavir's other names
1.Vardhman 2.Mahavir 3.Sanmmati 4.Kashyap 5.Gantputra 6.Videh 7.Vaishalik
Different Monsoons (Chaturmas) of Bhagvan Mahavir
First monsoon in Village of Asthik.
Three monsoons in Champa & Prusthachampa.
Twelve monsoons in Vaishali & Vanijyagram.
Fourteen monsoons in Nalanda Pada of Rajagrihi.
Six monsoons in city of Mithila.
Two monsoons in city of Bhadrika.
One monsoon in city of Alambhika.
One monsoon in city of Shravasti.
One monsoon in anarya area.
One monsoon in Pavapuri.
Forty four monsoons in all.
Devoted Kings of Bhagwan Mahaveer
1. King Shrenik of Rajagrihi
2. Ashokchandra of Champanagari
3. King Cheda of Vaishali
4. Nine Mali Kings of Kashi
5. Nine Lichchhvi Kings of Koshal
6. King Udayan of Vitbhayapatan
7. King Shatanik and Udayan of Kaushambi
8. King Nandivardhan of Kshatriyakund
9. King Chandpradyot of Ujjain
10.King Shal and Mahashal of Prusthachampa
11. King Prasannachandra of Patanpur
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