Samani Mangal Prajna
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Religious and Personal Background : Samani Mangal Prajna is a disciple of His Holiness Acharya Sri Mahaprajna and a member of the Saman Order. Born on April 5th, 1962 in Momasar, Rajasthan (India), she was initiated (Diksha) by His Holiness Sri Tulsi in the year 1984 at the age of 22 after six years Diksha training as Mumukshu.
Samani Mangal Prajna achieved her Masters in Jainology, Comparative Philosophy, and Religion in 1987, her Ph.D. work was on ‘Philosophical concepts of Jain Agamas’. At present, she is the Director of M. S. Anekant Shodhpeeth of the ‘Jain Vishva Bharati Institute’ - the first and only Jain University recognized by the Indian Government and the University Grants Commission. She knows ancient Indian languages such as Prakrit, Sanskrit, and Pali as well as modern languages - Hindi, Gujarati and English.
Asian Countries - Hong Kong, Japan, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. European Countries - U.K., Germany, Holland, Belgium, Austria, France, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland and Malta. U.S.A. and Canada.
Her field of activities are in teaching and training the ‘Science of Living’, Preksha Meditation, and Jainology in schools, colleges, and universities. She has presented papers in national and international seminars and conferences.
Two books on Jain Philosophy :
Arhati Dristi (Hindi)
Vratya Darshan (Hindi)
More than 50 articles in research journals and newspapers
Strengths : She has organized many workshops and camps of Preksha Meditation, ‘Science of Living’, peace and non-violence.
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