Identification of Dharma (Religion)
By Mr. Chandraprakash Shah, U. K.
The Omniscience Tirthankaras established Dharma Tirth to remove all Miseries and Unhappiness of the worldly affairs and bring supreme, eternal, Peace as well as Bliss to all living beings. They declared and propounded perfect Dharma. We bow down to them.
All beings act with the common aim of achieving permanent happiness and the same cannot be achieved in absence of Perfect Dharma. Therefore, a living creature or specie and human being must engross themselves in perfect Dharma.
What is Religion? Does this convey correct and appropriate meaning of Dharma? What are its characteristics? How to identify it? I think it does not transpire perfect meaning of Dharma. How? And Why? These are two principal questions to be answered in this article.
There are many Dharmas in the world and everyone believes what they perform is the true Dharma. Various thinkers have given various thoughts about Dharma. There is nothing wrong in it. Everybody has own right to have about his or her own selection of Dharma. But if you are intellectual and learned person you will certainly think about perfect Dharma without following Sheep like attitude. I shall list some of the characteristics that are termed and believed as Dharma or Religion in the world today.
1. Dharma means Duty
2. Dharma means Service
3. Dharma means Morality
4. Dharma means Right Conduct
5. Dharma means Devotion and Worship to God, the almighty.
6. Dharma means Charity.
7. Dharma means Traditional Conduct of the Family
8. Dharma means acquiring Scriptural Knowledge.
9. Dharma means following some canons laid down in holy books
10. Dharma means Divine or Holy thinking and many more definitions given to Dharma.
However neither of these definitions conveys perfect and purest meaning of Dharma (Religion). It may be true that they all convey only one aspect of the Dharma but do not tell the whole truth and all aspects of Dharma that we should understand.
Let us examine definition No.5 for example : Either it conveys full or partial meaning of Dharma. It says Dharma means "Right Conduct." It conveys various meanings such as faith, knowledge, emotions, feelings, compassion etc; just like a country has many towns, cities and villages. Some consider it as non-touching, bathing in the morning and evening and whenever they feel to bath. Some opine to have Brahma bhojan, offering alms, tree worshipping, animal sacrifices and feeding cows as well as beggars. Hence it will be ridiculous to consider "Right Conduct" as perfect Dharma. Like wise other definitions narrated above can be considered.
It will be appropriate to note here and may not be out of place to mention that prominent leaders, preceptors, preachers in the present scenario etc; have not consumed the true concept of Dharma.
Infact, it is impossible to derive or define the true meaning of the word. One must possess the knowledge of Grammar, glossary, tradition and various scriptures. Our authors of scriptures were well versed with all these terms and therefore they were able to establish and confirm the perfect meaning of the words.
There are two typical words in Indian language Sanskrit. Though they are infect two and half words but they are very significant in Indian Dharmik Philosophy. They are Karma and Dharma. Both are attached to our soul. However there is vast difference of working between them. The former creates down fall of the soul and makes it wanders in 14 Raj-Lokas (Jain reference terms for the Universe and Cosmology) and causes sufferings of miseries and keep the soul in tremendous tortures. While latter promotes and elevates the soul to become Omniscience. These two words play very important role in everyone's life. Isn't it? Why we should know about Dharma? Because Karmas are attached to the soul and do not allow the soul to become purest one and keep away from eternal and supreme Peace as well as happiness.
The word Dharma is derived from root "Dhru" in Sanskrit language. It has meaning of sustainability and maintainability. Our scriptures writers, keeping in mind the meaning of this word affirmed that Dharma is the subject matter, which sustains and maintains as well as preserves the living creatures and species from falling the prey to Karmas and ultimately to degradations. This is indeed very much clear and lucid meaning of the Dharma. Now we can understand the perfect meaning of Dharma (Religion), which professes that either paths, ways, rites or ceremonies that sustain, maintain and preserve the living beings from degradation at the same time either uplifts or elevates to a higher levels of existence, is termed as perfect Dharma.
Now what are its characteristics? : As people are identified through their characteristics, a person who plays gambling either in Cards or in Race course is characterised as Gambler, One who speaks irrelevant matters, quarrels when benefits are due for him, enter in rivalry with rich and lustful people in spending extravagantly and does not pay attention to benevolent advices of wise people, these are the characteristics of fool person.
In the same manner, as quoted, the "Dharma is most auspicious, and it is characterised by Non-violence (Ahimsa), Self-restraints in all the worldly subjects, and Penance." Earlier a very learned Brahmin, Shri Shayyambhav suri and later on he embraced Jainism, defined these precious characteristics of perfect Dharma.
These three characteristics, notably, Ahimsa, Self-restraints towards all worldly pleasures and Penance of perfect Dharma summarise, all other aspects, of various Dharma defined in various ways by various thinkers mentioned herein above. An aphorism, which is termed as "Sutra," positively conveys profound meaning in very few words, while the words carry heavy value and weight. One of the major benefits of an aphorism is that more we reflect on it we will be more enlightened.
It seems to me that all the vows or vratas mentioned in different Dharmas (Religions) can easily be accommodated in this simple and auspicious definition of Dharma. Every living being is very much anxious to categorise which is the most precious thing in the world and the answer to this can only be Perfect Dharma. Perfect means in all aspects and have all characteristics. Such Dharma makes impossible for down fall of all the living beings and at the same time elevates them to unexpected height as well as enlightened their lives.
Perfect Dharma is not an ordinary or a lay category subject matter, it is most auspicious and quite some thing extra ordinary subject matter. It is beyond the comparison with others. However it may be said that as Parasmani turns iron into Gold when it touches iron, the perfect Dharma has capability to change an entire outlook of all the living beings and make them heavenly gods provided living beings understand and perform the Perfect Dharma. Even heavenly gods pay their tribute to such living being who resorts to such Dharma.
Now, how to examine any Dharma? : It is extremely necessary to examine any Dharma before embracing any of them. As Lord Mahavira said to his disciples once "Don't embrace the Dharma that I said to you, that I taught you, but try to examine it yourselves, put on tests and if you find it suitable for your purest and enlightened lives then only accept it with full self-confidence." Such were the words of Lord Mahavira, the last Tirthankara of Jain Tradition. Similarly great critical commentator, Shree Siddhasen Diwaker alias Kumudchandra, who constructed "Kalyanmandir Stotra" also said " Do not follow any faith, religion, paths etc. in several of his Batrishis, without applying our mind. He had added to his statement that Dharma which is preached and professed by some who does not possess Samyak Gyan, Darshan and Charitra will himself be drowned and carry us with him too. The great saint or Monk of this era, after Lord Mahavira emanicipated, Kalikal Sarvgnya Shri Hemchandrachrya also professed in one of his creation, that "Drashti Raag is nothing but a terrible poison. A poison will kill you once but Drashti Raag will kill you for infinite births and will not allow you to gain "Samyak Gyan, Darshan and Charitra." Drashti Raag means have attachments with particular Beliefs, Thinking, Faiths, Conduct and Dharma or Religion. All they have said to avoid that is not suitable to you, for purification of soul, they also said "Don't follow your GURU, too blindly. He or She may put you in troubled waters, who knows? Now then how to test and what are the criteria assigned to Dharma?
Hence we should; First observe what importance is attached to Ahimsa (non-violence). If violence is either implied or hidden and solicited directly or indirectly then it is not worth to accept it. Because offering creatures and animals for sacrifices, to please gods and goddesses are one or the other styles of the Himsa and not Ahimsa. Therefore we should always be on our guard to embrace such Dharma.
Secondly, when a Dharma presented before us we must check it how far it will provide us self-restraints. If all kinds of luxurious facilities available, entertainments of various kinds are offered and sensual pleasures in different forms are present then be assured that that Dharma is not ideal, beneficial and meant for us.
And last but not the least, we are supposed to check to embrace any Dharma, how about its austerities? If suitable penance practices for annihilation of Karmas are not offered we should avoid such Dharma. Because our principal ambition is to obtain supreme Bliss and eternal Peace and in this article to identify Perfect Dharma.
If we utilize these characteristics to inspect various Dharmas available at present in the world we shall be able to single out Perfect Dharma in all respects. And embracing such Dharma one will certainly attain unimaginable, eternal and supreme Bliss, Peace and Happiness.
Now we have to evaluate other Dharmas' definitions and make analysis of the word "Religion." Does it convey any comfortable and perfect meaning like what I described above? In my opinion the word "Religion" does not convey any convincing meaning with reference to definition and characteristics narrated here.
Now let us look for Karma in brief : Karma too has various definitions like Dharma. Normally we hold and maintain older relationships, stronger ties of affinity but the enemy of the soul, Karma, does not show any affinity to soul. Karma means:
And so on. An aphorism that is declared in Holy Scriptures for the correct and perfect meaning of Karma is: "Pavanam, Kammanam, Nigdhayanaththai,Chhinai,Ashuam Kamman, etc." We shall deal with this formula for Karma as it transpires perfect meaning of Karma. A tale of Dhanpal and Thanthanpal is very much interesting to assign proper name to any action. It is very significant to define Karma. "Kriya" (Acting) originates Karma (Action etc.) and this is produced by the operation effected by the soul and therefore it is worth to name as Karma. They are neither our friends nor our well-wishers, but they are foes and enemies.
Similarly, the word "Samyak" is also misinterpreted as "Right." Right too has various meanings, according to Sanskrit v/s English Dictionary. However "Samyak" means superlative degree of Pure that is Purest. And therefore we should mention, Right Knowledge, Right faith and Right Conduct as Samyak Gyan, Samyak Shraddha and Samyak Charitra or keep Purest as prefix instead of Right. Now why Purest and not Right? Because purest level of Gyan, Shraddha or Darshan and Charitra only can purify our soul at the highest level of Gyan, Shraddha or Darshan and Charitra.
Hence, I conclude that some of the meanings expressed in the Dictionary and we use them in our daily practices to describe the meaning, do not convey the Perfect, Purest, Convincing and Effective meaning of our aphorisms declared in our holy books and scriptures.
This is without any prejudice to anyone and any Dharma.
Author: Mr. Chandraprakash Shah,49, HighField Avenue, Golders Green, London NW11 9EU
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