Nature Made Human Body Like Vegetarian Animals
Numerous species of herbivores (vegetarian animals) as well as carnivores (flesh-eating animals) inhabit in this universe. Some are very small while others have large sized bodies, but there is a marked difference in herbivorous and carnivores animals as far as their bodily structure, hands, feet, teeth, intestines, sense of seeing, smelling and style of eating, drinking etc. are concerned. For example.
1. Carnivores have sharp pointed tooth and claws with such nails as help them in tearing apart their prey easily. Herbivores have teeth embedded in flat jaws. Their claws do not have sharp nails but are framed as such to pluck fruits etc. easily.
2. The lower jaws of carnivores move only upward and downward and they swallow their food without mastication. The jaws of herbivores can move up and down, left and right i.e. in all directions. They swallow their food after chewing it.
3. The tongue of meat eating animals is very rough. They protrude outwards to drink water. The tongue of vegetarian animals is quite smooth. They use their lips rather than a protruding tongue to drink.
4. The length of intestines of carnivores is less, almost equal to the length of their bodies and about six times the length of their torso. Due to small intestines they throw out the flesh food before it gets contaminated and poisoned. Herbivores have longer intestines, about four times their body-length or twelve times the torso, which cannot quickly expel any flesh-food.
5. The liver and kidney of meat eating animals are larger in proportion due to which they can throw out the waste material of meat easily. The liver and kidney of vegetarian animals are smaller in proportion and unable to throw out the animal waste easily.
6. The hydrochloric acid content in the digestive system of carnivores is ten times more as compared to that of human beings which digests the meat easily. The hydrochloric acid content in vegetarian species is much less and so unable to digest meat easily.
7. The saliva of flesh eaters is acidic. The saliva of vegetarian species is alkaline and it contains Ptyaline which is helpful in digesting carbohydrates.
8. Carnivores have low Blood-PH, i.e., it tends to be acidic. Herbivores have higher Blood-PH, i.e., it tends to be on alkaline side.
9. The Blood Lipo-Proteins of the carnivores are different from those of herbivores. In human beings, the Blood-Lipo-Proteins are similar to those of the herbivores.
10. Carnivores have a very strong sense of smell, their eyes glow in the night and their night-vision is as good as in the day-time. These powers help them in killing their prey. The sense of smell among herbivores is not so strongly developed and their night-vision is no where as good as day-vision.
11. The sound of meat eating animals is very coarse and frightening. The sound of vegetarian animals is not coarse.
12. The visual power of kids of meat-eating animals is almost zero for about a week after their birth. The off-spring of vegetarian animals have normal sight, right from their birth.
The above facts go to prove that nature has made human body similar to those of vegetarian species like cow, horse, elephant, camel, giraffe and bulls etc. The various parts of human body are designed for obtaining and digesting only vegetable foods. Except for man, no other animal wants to behave in contravention of the bodily structure and faculties with which nature has endowed it. The lion will never eat grass even if it is hungry and a cow will never take flesh even it starving, because that is not their natural food and not compatible with their psyche and body structure. Meat eating animals spend their entire lives on flesh, for them it is a complete food. But no human being can survive for more than two three weeks alone on flesh-foods because a diet of meat alone will give rise to so much acidhy and toxins inside his entrails as to upset the whole system. Even those persons who go against the laws of nature and consume meat, have to eat some vegetarian material also, because for man flesh is not a complete diet and it also reduces the life span. Eskimos, whose circumstances and environment compel them to subsist mostly on meat, have an average life span of only thirty years, whereas a man can live a long and healthy life on purely vegetarian diet.
Dr. Allen Walker of Johns Hopkins University has found by microscopic analysis of teeth that man is a descendent of fruit eating animals and not of carnivores.
No human being feels disgusted at the sight or smell of fruits, vegetables or cereals, while most people feel hatred by the sight of slaughtered animals hanging in butcher's shop. Is it not an obvious pointer to their vegetarian nature?
All the above mentioned facts prove that nature has designed man to be a vegetarian and only vegetarian. Feeding of non-vegetarian food for which the system is not designed can cause only harm and weaken the God gifted body.
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