Bhavnagar - Jain Tirth
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Mahuva (Bunder), Bhavnagar, Gujarat-364290
Phone : 02844-22571 (Pedhi) & 02844-22259 (Bhojanshala)
Atisheykshetra Information : Gyansagarji stated in his work Sarvtirthvandana that this was the central place for the ascetics. Bhattarak Vadichandra wrote Gyansureudey here in Sam. 1648. The ancient names of this place were Madhuknagar, Madhupuri etc. It is the common belief here that by worshipping this idol of Tirthankar Parasvnath, all obstacles vanish away and Bhagwan fulfills the wishes. Many after getting their wishes, come here, and offer silver wares and money. The place is quite crowded on weekends. Once brothers Daebhai and Kaebhai had dreams. In the dream deity showed them Tirthankar Parashvnath's idol lying underground at the particular spot in the village Tulavgao of Sultanabad and instructed to install that idol. Next day, the place was dug, idol was found. The idol was brought to Mahua and Bhattarak Vidyanandji consecrated it in the Chadraprabhu Jain Temple.
Since then it has become the place of pilgrimage.
Jain Temple : In the past years, temple suffered damages due to fire and flood. But it has been rebuilt. Vighanhar Parashvnath's idol is in the basement. The gray stone idol is 4 ft. in sitting posture. Its hand and nose are little damaged. On its left is the white stone idol of Tirthankar Chandraprabhu, and on its right is the idol of Tirthankar Shantinath of white stone.
In another room, there are 29 metal and 23 stone idols, according to the inscription on the idols, they are of Sam. 1911, 1827, 1665, 1661, 1614, 1548, 1535, 1522, 1390. Tirthankar Chandraprabhu's idol is in the other room.
How to Reach : Mahuva is on the bank of the river Purna, 15 miles from the Bardoli Railway station in the district Surat. Buses run regularly from Vardoli, Navsari, and Surat to Mahuva. Telephone service is available.
Lodging : Dharamshala is well equipped.
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