Ghati Karma
If a soul has the inherent power to know and see everything, then why does our soul not know and see everything? If a soul is to be non-attached and has infinite power, then why do we have attachment and why we are weak?
Karmas are responsible for such distortions of the soul. Karmas fall into two groups :
1) Ghati (Destructive) karmas and
2) Aghati (Non-Destructive) Karmas.
Ghati karmas obstruct the true nature of the soul while they are attached to it. When ghati karmas are destroyed, the soul exhibits its true nature of total knowledge and perception as well as non-attachment and infinite power. Arihants and Siddhas have destroyed these ghati karmas, and that is why their souls exhibit total knowledge and perception as well as non-attachment and infinite power.
We should all strive for this stage of destroying ghati karmas.
Ghati karmas are:
1) Jnanavarniya (Knowledge obscuring) karma
2) Darshanavarniya (Perception obscuring) karma
3) Antaray (Obstructing) karma
4) Mohniya (Deluding) karma
1) Jnanavarniya (Knowledge obscuring) karma
As the name implies Jnanavarniya karma obscures the knowledge power of the soul. Those who have less Jnanavarniya karma are more intelligent and learn more easily, while those who have more Jnanavarniya karma will have problems retaining knowledge. There are five sub-types of Jnanavarniya karma. They are:
1) Mati-Jnanavarniya (Senses and mind oriented knowledge obscuring) karma
2) Shrut-Jnanavarniya (Writing interpretation oriented knowledge obscuring) karma
3) Avadhi-Jnanavarniya (Remote viewing knowledge obscuring) karma
4) Manah-Paryay-Jnanavarniya (Thoughts reading knowledge obscuring) karma
5) Keval-Jnanavarniya (Perfect knowledge obscuring) karma
1) Mati-Jnanavarniya (Senses and mind oriented knowledge obscuring)karma Mati-Jnan refers to the knowledge which is attained through the use of the senses and mind. Karma that blocks this function of the mind and senses is known as Mati-Jnanavarniya karma. Therefore, if someone had more Mati-Jnanavarniya karma, then he/she would be less intelligent, while on the other hand, if someone had less Mati-Jnanavarniya karmas, then he/she would be more intelligent.
2) Shrut-Jnanavarniya (Writing interpretation knowledge obscuring) karma The knowledge which is acquired by understanding of words, writing or gestures is known as Shrut-Jnan. The karma that obscures this process of gaining knowledge is known as Shrut-Jnanavarniya karma. For this reason it is understood why some people can remember things after reading only once, while others cannot remember even after reading them many times.
3) Avadhi-Jnanavarniya (remote viewing knowledge obscuring) karma The soul through Avadhi-Jnan can see the material things far beyond our normal eyes can see without the help of senses or mind. The karma that obscures this type of knowledge is known as "Avadhi-Jnanavarniya karma". Different people have a different range of distance they can see.
4) Manah Paryay-Jnanavarniya (Thoughts reading knowledge obscuring)karma. The soul through Manah Paryay-Jnan can know the mental thoughts of others without the help of senses and mind. The karma that obscures this type of knowledge is known as Manah Paryay-Jnanavarniya karma. The soul who would be a Tirthankar in that life would attain Manah Paryay-Jnan at the time of renunciation of worldly life.
5) Keval-Jnanavarniya (Perfect knowledge obscuring) karma The soul has the power to know what is happening now, what happened in the past, and what will happen in the future in the whole universe at the same time. Such knowledge is known as Keval-Jnan and the karma that obscures this type of knowledge is known as Keval-Jnanavarniya karma. Arihants and Siddhas have destroyed Keval-Jnanavarniya karma and that is why they have attained Keval-Jnan.
Some of the effects of Jnanavarniya Karma are ignorance, inability to understand, incapability of being taught, illiteracy, and stammering. Jnanavarniya Karma is accumulated if we condemn knowledge, scholars, or enlightened people, show laziness, contempt, or displeasure in studying and learning, or show any disrespect for knowledge and knowledge related things, such as tearing out pages or throwing books around.
Jnanavarniya Karma can be shed by worshipping knowledge, paying reverence and respect to teachers, showing respect for books, and by studying religion regularly with humility.
When we rid ourselves of Jnanavarniya Karma, we will develop Keval-Jnan and become Anantjnani. Our soul will know everything from the past, present, and future all at the same time.
When we rid ourselves of Jnanavarniya Karma, we will develop Keval-Jnan and become Anantjnani. Our soul will know everything from the past, present, and future all at the same time.
2) Darshanavarniya (Perception obscuring) Karma Darshanavarniya Karma diminishes the powers of our perception through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin to the extent that we may not able to see well, hear well, smell well, etc. There are nine sub-types of Darshanavarniya Karma:
1) Chakshu-Darshanavarniya (Vision perception obscuring) Karma
2) Achakshu-Darshanavarniya (Non-vision perception obscuring) Karma
3) Avadhi-Darshanavarniya (Remote seeing-perception obscuring) Karma
4) Kevali-Darshanavarniya (Perfect perception obscuring) Karma
5) Nindra (Light sleep producing) Karma
6) Nindra-Nindra (Deep sleep producing) Karma
7) Prachala (Sound sleep producing) Karma
8) Prachala-Prachala (Exceedingly intensive sleep producing) Karma
9) Styanarddhi Nindra (Somnambulistic sleep producing) Karma
Some of the effects of Darshanavarniya Karma are blindness, inadequacy of the senses, sleepiness, swooning, and sleepwalking.
Darshanavarniya Karma is accumulated on account of condemning the principles of dharma, disrespecting the virtuous, and trying to find faults in other people’s perception.
Darshanavarniya Karma is shed by worshipping faithfully, having faith in the Jinas, and being respectful to spiritual teachers and dharma. In order to avoid accumulating this karmas we should insult sadhus, sadhvis, shravaks, or shravikas, we should be humble followers of the Jain Religion, we should help others to follow it, and we should be alert and work for the peace of the four-fold (sadhus, sadhvis, male and female householders) Jain religion.
Once our Darshanavarniya Karma is shed, we will develop Kevaldarshan and become Anantdarshani. Arihants and Siddhas perceive everything that is happening now, happened in the past, and will happen in future all at the same time.
3) Antaray (Obstructing) Karma
Even though many of us desire to give charity, we cannot do so. A diabetic rich person can afford any dinner of choice but cannot necessarily enjoy it. You might have had the experience in which everything was set 100% right to complete the project, but for some reason you could not even start the project. Situations of these types occur because of the influence of Antaray Karma. This karma also causes obstruction to the worship of Jina and to the performance of spiritual activities. Consequently Antaray Karma is responsible for all the obstacles we face in our lives. There are five sub-types of Antaray Karma:
1) Danantray (Charity obstructing) Karma
2) Labhantray (gain obstructing) Karma
3) Bhogantray (Enjoyment Obstructing) Karma
4) Upabhogantray (Re-enjoyment obstructing) Karma
5) Viryantray (Will-power obstructing) Karma
Some of the effects of Antaray Karma include the inability to perform penance, laziness, and weakness. Even if one had the desire to travel on the right path, on account of excessive Antaraya Karma, one would not be able to do so.
Antaray Karma is accumulated due to the obstruction of the worship of the Jinas and other spiritual activities, obstructing others from doing penance, service, or practicing devotion or giving charity, not giving charity, and causing of loss to others.
Antaray Karma can be shed by giving charity, sharing knowledge, helping sadhus and sadhvis, encouraging others to give charity, and encouraging and helping others to do penance and service and by showing benevolence.
When we get rid ourselves of Antaraya Karma, we become Anantshakti. The soul will have no disability or weakness. It will never become tired, and never fail.
4) Mohniya - Deluding Karma
Mohniya Karma creates doubts about religion and spiritual teachers and destroys faith in the Jina. It obscures right belief and right conduct of the soul. Mohniya Karma causes attachment and hatred and passions such as anger, ego, deceit, and greed. Of all the karmas, Mohniya Karma is the most dangerous and the most difficult to overcome and once you overcome. Once we overcome this karma the salvation or liberation is guaranteed. There are twenty eight sub-types of Mohniya Karma:
a) Darshan (Belief disturbing) Mohniya Karma
1) Mithyatva (False belief causing) Mohniya Karma
2) Mishra (Mixed belief causing) Mohniya Karma
3) Samyaktva (Correct belief causing) Mohniya Karma
b) Charitra ( Right conduct disturbing) Mohniya Karma
1) Anantanubandhi (Right conduct hindering) Krodha, Man, Maya and Lobha Mohniya Karmas
2) Apratyakhanavarniya (Partial renunciation hindering) Krodha, Man, Maya and Lobha Mohniya Karmas
3) Pratyakhanavarniya (Total renunciation hindering) Krodha, Man, Maya and Lobha Mohniya Karmas
4) Sanjvalan (Complete right conduct hindering) Krodha, Man, Maya and Lobha Mohniya Karmas
5) Strived (Sex desire with man causing) karma
6) Purushaved (Sex desire with woman causing) Karma
7) Napunsankved (Sex desire with both man and woman causing) Karma
8) Hashya (Laughing causing) Karma
9) Rati (Liking causing) Karma
10) Arati (Disliking causing) Karma
11) Bhaya (Fear causing) Karma
12) Shock (Sorrow causing) Karma
13) Jugupsa (Disgust causing) Karma
Some effects of Mohniya Karma include attachment, hatred, envy, contempt, misery, infatuation, longing, ecstasy, anger, greed, ego and deception.
Mohniya Karma is accumulated on account of treating gods and preceptors with contempt, having a deep attachment and hatred, lamenting and weeping, becoming over excited, being irritable, furious, greedy, egoistic, deceptive, etc.
Mohniya Karma can be shed by observing virtues such as honesty, humbleness, contentness, and straightforwardness. In order to avoid Mohniya Karma we should say prayers, go to the upashraya to worship spiritual teachers, and perform austerities everyday.
When we rid ourselves of Mohniya Karma we become Veetragi. After this point the soul never becomes angry, proud, greedy, pleased, displeased, happy, sad, or afraid. A Veetragi soul has no attachment or hatred for anyone. Once Mohniya Karma is destroyed, Jnanavarniya, Darshanavarniya, and Antaray Karmas are destroyed within forty eight minutes and Kevaljnan, Kevaldarshan, and Anant Virya are all achieved.
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