Divisions in Jainism
Posted By : Mr. Abhishek Jain
We understand that Vardhamana decided to go naked a year after he became a monk and spent the rest of his life without wearing any clothes. The original Order of ascetic monks he established probably followed him and accepted nudity as a part of a monk's life.
When Mahavira was spreading his message, a group of monks who were already familiar with the teachings of Parsvanatha and the previous Thirthankaras might have also been existing at the same time. We are not sure whether they also joined the Order established by Mahavira, though there are some indications that some of them must have joined. However, they seemed to have retained some of the old practices, which were already prevalent, including the practice of wearing clothes.
In course of time the differences between the two groups should have widened, especially after the great famine that ravaged parts of north eastern India, resulting in the great schism, that divided the Order into two vertical divisions. One group called themselves as Digambaras, refusing to wear clothes and other group called themselves as Svetambaras, who accepted wearing white clothes as a part of their monastic discipline.
The Digambaras accepted nudity as a part of the teachings of Mahavira, which was in line with the argument that a perfect monk was supposed to be devoid of any possessions including clothes and the desire to protect his body in whatever form. They also held that women should never join the Order as they were not qualified for the austere life the Order demanded form each of the adherents.
The Digamabaras depict Mahavira in complete nudity, without any ornamentation, with downcast eyes. They also believe that Mahavira led a completely celibate life and never married. They refuse to recognize the eleven angas of the Jain canon, which form part of the 41 Sutras. The Svetambaras on the other hand accept the 11 angas, wear white robes, are not averse to admitting women into the Order and show Mahavira wearing white robes.
In the 18th century, another schism took place, this time in the Svetambara sect, on account of the intrusion of some form of ritualism and temple worship. A Jain monk named Viraji, started this new movement, which denounced the worship of the images of the Thirthankaras and the construction of temples to house them. They became known as Sthanakavasis, signifying the fact that they assemble in ordinary unadorned buildings, called sthanakas instead of in elaborately constructed and well decorated temples and places of worship.
Today the divisions continue. The Digambara Jains are found mostly in the south, especially in the erstwhile Mysore state, the place where the group led by Bhadrabahu went some two thousand and three hundred years ago. The Svetambaras and the Sthanakavasis are found mostly in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
The followers of Jainism today come mostly from the trading communities of India and are known for their high degree of commitment to the teachings of Mahavira. Their way of life is characterized by fasting, non violence, vegetarianism, philanthropy, austerity, amiability and simplicity. They also play vital role in the religious, political and economic activities of India, without distancing themselves from the Hindus who form the majority and who in turn do not find any distinction between them and the Jains.
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