
Book Review
Arogya Aapka

By Mr. Chanchal Mal Chordia
Review : By Mr. P. L. Jain


Mr. Chanchal Mal Chordia, writer of this book is an authority on "Alternate medicine". He has been honoured by several institutions with medals, prizes and awards, such as Title of "Gem of Pyramid" given by Accumanagemnent Healing Association, Indore, title of "Acupressure Ratna" given by Indian Academy of Acupressure Science, Indore, Gold Medal by Indian board of Alternatine medicine, Acharya Hasti Ahimsa Puraskar and many others for his unstinted efforts for the promotion of ahimsak methods of treatment, particularly acupressure, Shivambu, Magnet therapy, Sun-Rays therapy, Colour therapy, naturopathy and others and for his self-less and yeomen service to the cause of non-violence, vegetarianism, prevention of cruelty to animals and protection of cows. In fact, he has launched a crusade against killing of animals, and modern system of medicine. He has earlier also written few books on these subjects, namely.

The book under review is divided into more than 30 major sections, which cover various facets of health and curative systems for that can lead to healthy and happy life, ancient indian and chinese systems of cure, philosophy of Bhagwan Mahavir as regards health, effect of food on health, practicing yoga, meditation and pranayam, and finally a broad review of different alternative systems of medicine. The author has himself carried intensive researches on these alternative systems, which have been discussed comprehensively in this book. He has been practising them at two Acupressure Centres, run by Mahavir International at Jodhpur, and he has offered several training and orientation programmes to propagate them in various towns and cities. These systems include acupressure, acu-puncture, Nabhi chikitsa, Chaitanya chikitsa, laughing, oil therapy, shivambu (urine therapy), magnet therapy, Surya kiran (Sun rays) chikitsa and colour therapy. Further, he has suggested cures for several chronic and incurable diseases without the use of medicines, such as heart problems, Diabetes, Asthama, blood pressure, nervous tension and eye diseases. On going through the book, one can observe that main emphasis has been laid on the prevention of sickness by leading a simple and healthy life, and even if required, using such methods of treatment, which do not involve any non-violence, hurting or killing of animals for the purpose of research or manufacture of medicines used in the modern system of treatment.

There are innumerable books available in the market on the subjects of yoga, meditation and naturapathy but the field of health management and use of alternative systems of medicine has not been covered so far in an authoritative manner. This book will therefore fill a big void and provide the readers and health-conscious people the necessary information and guidance about health, food, food habits, philosophy of 'panch bhoot' as given in our scriptures, effectiveness and use of alternative systems of medicine, particularly acupressure and acupuncture. It will go a long way in popularising the much-needed alternative systems of treatment providing an authoritative and useful source book on a subject. The get-up, editing and printing quality of the book are excellent and the illustrations, both in colour and black and white are well-produced. The author deserves to be congratulated for his stupendous work and appreciation for the service he is giving to society. It is hoped that the author will soon consider bringing out an English translation of the book, so as to popularise the subject amongst a much larger readership.



(Hindi) First Ed. July, 2002.
Publisher : Kalyan Mal Chanchal Mal Chordia Trust, Jodhpur
Pages : 360 (A-4 size)
Price : Rs. 260/-


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