Ahimsa in Parsi Dharam
By Shri Piloo N. Jungalwalla
In Parsi Dharm - Parsi is an ethnic term meaning the man from Parsi Fars, capital of S.Persia when the Parsis emigrated to India around 950 AD.
Yes, we have the doctrine of non-violence in our scriptures known as the Khordeh Avesta and also in the Gathas, Hymns in praise of Wisdom of our Prophet Zorathushtra. Our religion is known as the Mazda-Yasni Zarthosti Deen, the religion of Mazda (wisdom) worship as taught by Zarathushtra. Our name for God is Athura Mazda, Lord of Life and Wisdom. In his Gathas Zarathushtra denounces Anger and Cruelty.
"Down with wrath (Ahimsa), Crush Cruelty........" In our daily ritual of the Kusti prayers we say - "Farash pai-o-khedram meaning resolve all quarrels amicably .........."
Then follow the words : "Nidha snai-thi-shem, meaning Renounce Violence ......."
Article Courtesy : Padamshree Virendra Prabhakar, "Ahimsa"
C-II/32 Bapa Nagar New Delhi- 5 Tel: 23384760
Publish by Bookman Printers. (2002-03)
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