
Pravachans By Ahcarya Sh. Mahapragyaji At Surat - 2003



Anekant - The Third Eye 


The doctrine of Anekant (Non-absolutism) is a great gift of Lord Mahavira to the human community. We are well acquainted with words- relativity, coordination and co-existence. The principle which is working in its back ground is the Anekant and shyadvad. Learned Jain Acharyas have written hundreds of large books on Anekant. It is very difficult to understand it in short. However, I am trying to explain it in brief.

Acharya Mahapragya has said - Anekant may be said to be third eye. We can look the outer things by our physical eyes but we can't see and understand the internal emotions by these eyes. What the other person or the country is thinking, why thinking so, where thinking and in what circumstances thinking. What is doing, why doing, where doing and in what circumstances doing - without thinking on these aspects we can not justify the thoughts and acts of others.

Anekant means to look the Truth from all the angles, from the point of view of other persons and so one should not insist upon one's own views ignoring others' views. The eye of Anekant is the best philosophical method of knowing both type of broad and minute aspects and the alterations of the material world. Consciousness of Un-insistency can be developed on the basis of this method; disputes can be solved and by calming down the sparking of quarrels steps can be forwarded toward the way of world peace.

Consumption without self control creates problem : Acharya Mahapragya

Surat- 30th Dec. 2003
Ahinsa Yatra in the auspicious presence of Ahinsa Yatra Prneta Acharya Shri Mahapragya has reached today at village Vitner in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. Villagers, local administration and the school management welcomed the Ahinsa Yatra. The school children joined the Ahinsa rally with slogans of morality. People in large number were presented there at the Jila Prathmik Vidya Mandir. Acharya Shri Mahapragya said on the occasion:

All does not happen in this world which is only favourable to a person, as per willing of a person. Unfavourable also happens. There are so many reasons for it. Out of which one is the negative thinking. Negative emotions are developed in the mind which changes the direction of work of a person. So it is necessary that our direction and vision should be right. Right vision is necessary in the life but we are regulated by internal element and which is carrying in wrong direction.

The control of Tyaga (self restraint) should be there over the Bhoga (consumption). Elaborating this Acharya Mahapragya said that two words have been popular in the Indian culture – Tyaga and Bhoga. As much attachment toward matter is increased, activities of Bhoga increase. Person wants to get pleasure and happiness by Bhoga but he does not get it, rather gets tension. Bhoga without Tyaga creates problems. One can get right direction if one keeps control of self restraint over the Bhoga.

He further said that in absence of right vision, one commits acts of foolishness. Violence is not the path of peace, everyone knows but still the provocation and wrong vision carries one to wrong direction and that person becomes knowingly blind. When thought is not right, how right result can be expected? The negative thinking becomes the reason of violence. Due to fear between the countries today, weapons are increasing sharply. If the fear ends, weapon will also reduce. Lord Mahaveera has said- Abhaya Daan (gift of fearlessness) is the best gift. I will not harass any living being is the Abhaya Daan. He further said that meditation is necessary for development of right vision. A person with right vision can make his life successful and full of pleasure and happiness.

Problem are created in absence of kindliness

Surat-7th January, 2004
Acharya Mahapragya with Ahinsa Yatra reached today to Sakegaon from Bhusaval. Artistic Rangolies were drawn through out the way. In spite of severe cool weather people of all the communities in large number were present at Biyani School. Speaking before the public there, Acharya Shri Mahapragya said - To get human life is important but who has not understood the principle of Veetragata and only knows the Raaga (attachment) and Dvesha (aversion), his life goes wasteful. He, who does not have kindliness, behaves with cruelty. A mill owner exploits the labour since he does not possess kindliness. If the reasons of problems of the world are analyzed, most of the problems are created due to cruelty.

Kindliness is practical way of non violence. A person who possesses kindliness can never commit such act which gives trouble to others. In absence of sensitivity, problems of national and international level are developed.

Talking on SAARC Meet, Acharya Shri said – bitterness in the relations between India and Pakistan is dissolving and the fresh wind of affection has started to blow. Reason behind it is also the kindliness. Tension has remained for 14 years and problem was not solved but when the feeling of kindliness came, the atmosphere of good faith began and now talks have begun to give permanent shape to the cease fire and to establish permanent peace. This thought has developed not due to cruelty, but due to kindliness.

So called religious people made the world as hell

Surat- 19th Dec.2003
Ahinsa Yatra Prneta Acharya Shri Mahapragya catching the top of so called religious people said today at Dhulia town of Maharashtra in the Sangoshthi of Ahinsa Samavaya that so called religious people have made the world as hell. Large number of people including 75 delegates came over from different seven state are participating the Ahinsa Samavaya Sangoshthi organized there.

At the occasion Acharya Shri said- until the eye of consciousness awakens, a person lives in darkness. The eye does not show the right path. Whether it is the field of religion or the business, light comes through Viveka (judiciousness).

He further said that the imagination of the Ahinsa Samavaya was made with a view that persons working for Ahinsa (non violence) should come together on a common platform but the persons working for Ahinsa also have malice and are not ready to sit in a forum and co-think and take decision together. The people working in the field of non violence, the religious people are also not free from Kashaya (passions) anger, pride and deceit and they use these kashaya not only in the field of business but also in the field of religion, they often use kashaya. The work of Ahinsa Samavaya is very difficult. He said perhaps, persons working on violence, does not possess so much of the will, as to who should sit up and who down but this bhavana is found more in the persons working for non violence.

Acharya Pravar explained that five essential points are required in this field. These are: Meeting ,Co-sitting ,Co-thinking ,Joint-decision ,Execution, Discussing on transformation of personality, Acharya Shri said that change cannot be brought merely by talks. Transformation must come in the religious personalities but it is not happening. They don’t want to reduce immorality and possessiveness. Five thousand million people of today's world are said to be religious and the religious people have made the world as hell, this is seen. Then what is the importance of the religion? Morality is the root of religion and there is great necessity of training that the vision of people should become broad enough that struggle, quarrels, expectations and wills should reduce and that there become transformation of mind.



Information Courtesy: Sh. S. M. Jain, Surat, E-Mail : pravas@terapanthsurat.com


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