Preksha Dhyan
By Acharya Mahapragya
Problems of Modern Life-Style
To specify the task of "Science Of Living" first of all let us identify the basic and burning problems of modern style of living all the world over. The Science of Living is evolved in such a way that everyone who would learn or master it will be able to accept the challenges met with in his individual as well as social life, national or international affairs. We may enlist them here in brief.
1. Tension - Physical, Mental, Emotional
2. Health Problems - Physical, Mental And Emotional Diseases (Including Psychosomatic Disorders)
3. Ecological Pollution / Rupture In Ozone Layer
4. Disturbed Family Relations
5. Violence & Cruelty
6. Corruption / Dishonesty / Immorality
7. Drug-Addiction
8. Neglect of Law & Order And Ethical, Moral and Social Discipline
9. Armaments / Nuclear Weapons (Militarism)
10. Exploitation
Lest the list become endless, we shall confine ourselves only to the acute/major problems besetting the human race.
After identification of these problems, we have to reflect on their causes. The following seem to be the main culprits in creating these problems :
a. Degeneration of faith in basic values of life.
b. Utter materialistic outlook.
c. Excessive proclivity for ease and comfort.
d. Hedonistic tendencies / Neo-culture sensualisrn.
e. Unbridled desires / cravings / ambitions.
f. Lack of compassion and spirit of service.
g. Lack of self-discipline / self-control.
h. Excessive greed / Possessiveness / Acquisitiveness Money-mindedness.
i. Utter selfishness.
j. Over-industrialization.
k. Over-urbanization.
l. Over-population.
m. Over-busy life (time-stress).
There are some fundamental causes responsible for the above :
1. Distortion of neuro-endocrine system.
2. Lack of value-education.
3. Unbalanced educational system; input is incomplete; there is merely preaching-oriented education (without the practical technique for attitudinal change and behavioural modification).
4. Enfeebling of innate vital force (Prana), resulting in the weakening of will-power and tolerance.
Science of Living is a solution to all these problems. It is a happy blending of ancient and modern sciences, or, in other words, the synthesis of the ancient wisdom and the modern scientific knowledge for developing an integrated personality through attitudinal change and behavioural modification. It is a positive resolve for creating a healthy human society - healthy in all respects physically, mentally and emotionally. It is a technique of training people from al1 walks of life in awakening of innate powers. It is useful for various departments of public administration including all government agencies. The widest application of the Science of Living is in the field of education, both formal and informal. Here we shall discuss the Science of Living as an innovation in the field of education hitherto unconcieved.
It is obvious that the main purpose of education should be character-development, mental equilibrium and peace of mind. Alas, this purpose has been entirely ignored by the educationists. The present system of education does possess elements which are efficient enough to develop the intellect and talent potential. If this was not so, how could it have produced scientists, engineers and doctors? But, inspite of becoming an expert in one's respective field by education, one does suffer from enormous mental tensions, because he has not been taught how to relax. A very learned person may be full of psychological distortions such as cruelty, retaliation etc. We may be surprised when a talented scientist commits suicide, say under the unbearable stress of jealousy or despondency. We would be justified in asking: Did this highly educated person not learn to maintain emotional equilibrium during stress condition ? Does our educational system contribute anything at all to prepare the future citizen to learn to relax and maintain mental equilibrium and peace under the present stressful conditions ? It is abundantly clear that we shall have to supplement and enrich the present system with such training that can reinforce the student's reasoning mind, increase his capacity for bearing stress instead of buckling down, and help him to subdue fear, hatred, jealousy and lust.
Man's mental attitude is the base for his behavioural pattern. All attitudes can be grouped under two categories - positive and negative. Modern psychology has analysed various attitudes and the following table gives both types of attitudinal activators with their corresponding results :
Dynamics of Attitude
Attitude Activators
Personality (Attitude in action)
Inner peace
The comprehensive education must aim at enhancing and developing the positive attitudes and inhibiting and subduing the negative ones. The conventional academic education is totally incapable of achieving this. A graduate in all the branches of the conventional educational courses cannot enhance his ability to cope up with the emotional stress and mental tension by a single point, cannot develop his power of mental equilibrium and cannot develop positive attitudes unless he has been also educated by Science of Living. It is supplementary education designed to achieve all the above virtues by awakening and developing man's own inherent powers. It has the capability of creating a personality which justifies man's claim being the highest product of evolution. It aims at not only physical and mental good but total good. Suggestions and proposals are often made to include moral education in the school or college curriculum. It must, however, be kept in mind that purely preaching oriented education has very limited influence on development of good character. This is because preaching by itself has little capacity to create conditions which fight the forces of primal drives. Practical training and regular practice is also essential. It is obvious then that moral education should consist of theoretical as well as practical elements. The latter alone can reach the regulatory system which produces mental states and behavioural patterns.
It has now been established that the secretions of hormones from our endocrines (ductless glands) are responsible for our mental attitudes and behaviour. The hormones interact and control various functions of our nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system. Enormous stress conditions and resulting tensions have forced our endocrines to be overloaded and their products have been vitiated. The homeostatic balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic system has been destroyed resulting in sympathetic dominance. This is the main cause of negative attitudes dominating the minds of our scholars and learned persons. If the secretion of hormones by the entire endocrine system (sometimes called the endocrine orchestra) is harmonized, a more balanced equilibrium between the two opposing components of the autonomic nervous system can be established. Then and only then the various problems discussed above can be solved. The curriculum of Science of Living is a step in this direction.
It prescribes a comprehensive course for achieving social health. It is believed that physical and mental health of the individual primarily depend on emotional health and only when physical, mental and emotional health of the individual are achieved could it give rise to social health. All the four are interdependent and complementary to each other and constitute an integral whole.
The Science of Living is a training course based on scientific principles. It comprises various branches of learning drawn from both-modern sciences and ancient sciences as well as humanities. The main emphasis is on practical training and regular practice. The theoretical studies, however, are also included in the syllabi, mainly in order to comprehend the fundamental theories and hypotheses made use of in the practical exercises-
The following branches of learning are the main constituents of the syllabus :
A. Modern Sciences
1. Anatomy (Human Body)
2. Physiology (Human Body)
3. Endocrinology
4. Neurology
5. Psychology (including Physiological Psychology)
6. Parapsychology (E.S.P. etc.)
7. Ecology
8. Biology (including Biophysics, Biochemistry)
9. Dietetics
10. Health Sciences
11. Suggestology
12. Magneto-therapy
13. Psychotherapy
14. Psychiatry
B. Humanities & Ancient Sciences
1. Philosophy
2. Education (mainly value-education)
3. Religion (comparative)
4. Yoga (theoretical & practical)
5.. Peace-research
6. Non-violence
7. Meditation (theoretical & practical)
8. Sociology
9. Training in non-violence for conflict-resolution
10. Karma-shastra (Science of karma)
11. Ayurveda, Nature-cure, Acupuncture, Acupressure and other therapies (other than Allopathic system)
12. Prana-Vigyan
13. Mantra-Vigyan
14. Healing techniques
15. Spiritualist Sciences for ultimate intrinsic transformation.
Main Steps in Practical Training
The following are the main steps in practical training :
1. Yogic Physical Exercises : To give exercise to all muscles, limbs, and other external organs.
2. Yogic Asanas : To give exercise to deep-seated organs and control their activity.
3. Pranayam : Conscious control and regulation of breath results in determination and increase of will-power; control on the autonomic nervous system is reached.
4. Relaxation (with self-awareness) (Kayotsarga) : To make the mind and body free from physical (muscular), mental (nervous) and emotional tensions.
5. Preksha Dhyan : It is a process of awakening one's own reasoning mind (viveka) and thereby control one's passions and emotions. It is based on the principle of engaging one's mind by concentrating on perception rather than on thought. The perception, again, is that of internal phenomena of consciousness and not that of external objects. It is a technique of seeing one's inner self. It consists of : Regulation and ultimate control of (a) respiratory and other physiological functions, (b) nervous system, (c) endocrine (ductless glands) system and (d) subtle inherent vibrations which produce passions.
Practice of self-observation unravels the mysteries of the unconscious mind and brings about catharsis. The technique balances and harmonizes the endocrine system, which in turn controls the nervous system. This results in equilibrium of the Neuro-Endocrine System.
On Physical Level : Preskha helps each cell to revitalize itself; it facilitates digestion; it makes respiration more efficient, it improves circulation and quality of blood.
On Mental Level : Preksha becomes a methodology to train the mind to concentrate; it cleans and relaxes the mind; it offers a way to treat serious psychosomatic illnesses without drugs; it is an efficient exercise in self-discipline leading to the end of addiction and other bad habits; it leads to what lies beyond the conscious mind.
On Emotional Level : The active functioning of reasoning mind controls reactions to environmental conditions, situations and behaviour of others, harmonization of the functioning of nervous and endocrine systems results in control and ultimate eradication of fear, jealousy, anger, lust and sexual perversion.
On Spiritual Level : The firm control of the reasoning mind, regulation and transformation of blood-chemistry through proper blending of the neuro-endocrinal secretions and production of dispassionate internal vibrations lead to attain infinite compassion, equanimity, bliss and happiness.
(i) Perception of Breathing
Preksha-dhyan includes the following exercises
(a) Complete scientific breathing through the proper functioning of diaphragm; long, deep and rhythmic breathing with total awareness; use of full vital capacity.
(b) Breathing through alternate nostrils (together with holding of breath).
(ii) Perception of Body
Concentration on each part of the body for perceiving the subtle vibrations and sensations taking place even on the cellular level.
(iii) Internal Trip (through the spinal cord and brain) (Antaryatra)
Perception of the Sushumna (spinal cord) and the cerebral cortex.
(iv) Perception of Psychic Centres
The specific centres in the body where consciousness is more active and which are interconnected with the endocrine glands and nervous plexuses.
(v) Perception of Psychic Colours
Visualization of selected Colours while concentrating the mind on different psychic centres. Such practice is found to be unbelievably effective to produce internal changes in subtle consciousness levels.
Value-education through Anupreksha and Bhavana
(Contemplation and Auto-suggestion) : Value-oriented techniques are the backbone of Science of Living. The moral and spiritual values to be inculcated in the learner through the practice of Anupreksha or bhavana are :
1. Sense of duty
2. Self-dependence
3. Truthfulness
4. Reconciliation
5. Freedom from fanaticism
6. Human equality
7. Co-existence
8. Patriotism (Loyalty)
9. Mental equilibrium
10. Patience
11. Honesty
12. Compassion
13. Freedom from lust
14. Forbearance
15. Modesty
16. Freedom from conceit
17. Freedom from fear
18. Self-discipline
19. Friendliness
20. Freedom from avidity
21. Will-power
22. Detachment to the body
These values cannot be inculcated merely by books or preaching. The exercises of auto-suggestion (bhavana) coupled with concentration on psychic centres and breath-control bring about required internal (chemical and electrical) changes with the ultimate result of transformation in personality.
The teacher can devise similar value-imbibing exercises of bhavana or anupreksha to befit a particular learner to bring about his ultimate transformation.
Balanced System of Education
The Science of Living visualizes a balanced system of education. In fact Science of Living and balanced system of education are being used synonymously. And by the word 'balanced' is meant equal importance given to bodily and intellectual development on the one hand and mental and emotional development on the other. It alone can make education balanced.
What are the facts involved in a balanced education?
The first fact is a balanced vital force (pranadhara). The development and balance of the vital force is essential for mental and emotional development. In modern physiological terms they are called Parasympathetic Nervous System and Sympathetic Nervous System respectively.Unless these two flows of the vital energy (prana) are balanced, we cannot realize the idealof the type of student we cherish. If the right course of the vital breath is hyperactive, thetendency to indulge in insolent and irresponsible behaviour as well as in violence and vandalism is roused. If on the other hand the left course of the vital breath is hyperactive, the individual suffers from inferiority, fear and weakness. A balance between the two courses is vital for a balanced development of personality.
Modern medical science has established the truth that it is the left lobe of the human brain that is connected with all learning activity. Logic, Mathematics and languages are all related to the left lobe. Though scientists do not yet know everything about the human brain, it has been proved that whereas the left lobe is responsible for the development of the intellect and of knowledge, it is the right lobe that determines spirituality, inner consciousness and all mental attitudes.
The modern malady lies in a disproportionate growth of the left lobe at the cost of its right counterpart. Over development of one and retardation of another has created a serious imbalance.
The second fact involved in the Science of Living is the establishment of a biological balance.
The third is creating faith in one's own competence. Man is unaware of his potentialities. From the point of view of philosophy infinite knowledge, power and joy inhere in man. Modern science reiterates the same hoary truth.
Science has proved that of his infinite potentialities man hardly uses five to seven percent. He who begins to use ten percent of them becomes great.
Through the Science of Living students have got to be made aware of their limitless competence and they have to be further made to believe that it lies in their power to activate it.
The fourth fact involved in the Science of Living is refinement, which has three forms: refinement of outlook, behaviour and feelings. Nations have risen and fallen according as
these three refinements have been present or absent. Right outlook, right behaviour and right feelings are basic to all progress.
Here it will not be out of place to ask : What causes our outlook, behaviour and feelings to be vitiated ? For this it is necessary to know who or what their controller is. Scientific investigations have revealed that they are controlled by the hypothalamus and the endocrine glands, specifically the pineal and the pituitary glands and the adrenal gland as affected by these two. We have to concentrate on the hypothalamus first, which will refine the secretions of the endocrine glands and this in turn will refine our outlook, behaviour and feelings. While circumstances can be regarded as the Instrumental cause, the secretions can be regarded as the material cause.
The latter is more important than the former.
By : Jain Vishva Bharati
Mail to : Ahimsa Foundation