Color Science:- Its Relation to Navkar Mantra

Color Science and its Relation to the Namokar Mantra

By Acharya Shri Shushil Muni


Namo Arihantanam - White : Arihant is a perfect human being. The white color is the mother of all colors; it is a blending of all colors. It represents pure knowledge. White shows purity, selflessness, and cosmic consciousness. White has protective power against psychic attack. It cannot be used for personal gain. White light removes the body, mind, and soul of diseases. White blood cells protect the body from disease. It controls the Sahasar Chakra.

Namo Siddhanam - Red : Siddha is a pure consciousness or a soul without any Karma attached to it. Both Arihant and Siddha are known as Gods in Jainism. The red color is the great energizer. Red controls the Ajna Chakra (third eye center or the center of command), which when awakened, will directly affect the Muladhar Chakra. This center governs the vitality of the physical body, particularly the creative, procreative, and restorative process. Red light causes red blood cells to multiply and invigorate of circulation.

Namo Airiyanam - Yellow And Orange : Acharya is a head of the Jain congregation. It symbolizes the organizational power, self control, and discipline. Yellow shows wisdom and goal, power to choose a goal in life, and discipline. Yellow stimulates the Solar Plexus and controls the digestive processes in the stomach. It strengthens the nervous system and awakens reasoning facilities. It controls eliminative action on the intestines and liver.

Orange is the wisdom ray. It shows developed power of the soul and strong will power. It assists in assimilation, distribution, and circulation of body functions. It acts mentally on assimilation of new ideas, relieves repression, and combines physical energy and wisdom. It controls the Manipura Chakra.

Namo Uvajjhayanam - Green And Blue : Upadhyay is a teacher which shows how to awaken powers and maintain balance of body, mind, and soul. Green is the color of balanced strength and of progress in the mind and body. It has a soothing influence on the nervous system. It is tonic for the body, mind, and soul. While yellow is the color of wisdom (mind), and blue is the color of truth (soul), green is the combination of the two, offering a balance between the two. It controls heart Chakra.

Blue is the color of truth. It controls Throat Chakra, the greatest creative center in the body. It gives power of speech. It is relaxing, soothing, and healing. Blue rays bring calmness and peace to the mind. It is the color of religious aspiration and devotion. By blue rays thought energy can be transmitted. Blue effects the development of spiritual and psychic powers. Both blue and green are the colors of prana.

Namo Loe Savva Sahunam - Black : Sadhu (monk) is a spiritual practitioner. The practitioner must be protected from worldly attachments and must destroy negativities. Black is the absence of color. It is receptive, consumes negativities, and gives the strength to fight negativities. It controls the Muladhar Chakra.



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