Celibacy and Meditation:- By Mr. Nimesh Desai

Celibacy & Meditation


Celibacy and Meditation holds a special place in Jainism. celibacy is one of the 5 pillars of Jainism and without it no spiritual progress is possible. yogis like swami Sivanada describes it as a potent weapon and shield to wage war against the internal evil forces of lust, anger and greed. It serves as a gateway for the bliss beyond, and opens the door of liberation. It is the only key to open the Sushumna (the chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column) and awaken the Kundalini (the primordial cosmic energy located in the individual). This seminal energy is verily the Atman. The secret of spiritual health lies in preservation of this vital force. He who wastes this vital and precious energy cannot have physical, mental, moral and spiritual development.

From food, chyle is manufactured, out of chyle comes blood, out of blood comes flesh, out of flesh comes fat, out of fat comes marrow, out of marrow comes semen. Semen is the last essence. It is the essence of essences. Ojas - vital biochemicals stored in the body.. It is this raw material which stimulates spiritual meditation . The production of Ojas comes after the production of Shukra (sexual fluids). Thus depletion of Shukra causes resources to be directed to Shukra production and Ojas production is curtailed. Thus spiritual growth is hampered. Celibacy retains seminal energy which can be channelised for enlightenment through meditation.

Meditation as per Jainism should be only for shredding karmas. Soul is like a diamond more one polishes more it shines. The power thus gained can be used for destructive or spiritual purpose. In Jain Ramayana, Ravana meditated for 3 days to get bahurupiya (multiple form ) power. The meditation was very intense and he was so detached and lost from the entire world , even the trap of devas who made sounds that his queen being raped proved futile. But alas!!! only if he had aimed for spiritual purpose he would have acquired keval gnan. So Jainism promotes meditation only for constructive spiritual purpose.



Article Courtesy : Nimesh Desai (Received through Jain Samachar Discussion Group)


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