Aghati Karma
In this life we see so many different people; some are prettier than others, some live longer than others, etc. What is the cause of such imbalances? The answer to that question is karmas. Karmas are grouped into two groups;
1. Ghati (Destructive) karmas and
2. Aghati karmas (Non- destructive).
Ghati karmas obstruct the true nature of the soul while Aghati Karmas affect the body in which the soul resides. As long as we have Aghati karmas, our souls will be caged in some kind of body and we will have to experience pain, and suffering in many different forms. Only pure souls, Siddhas are formless and experience ultimate bliss. We should all strive for this stage.
The Aghati Karmas are:
1. Vedniya - Feeling-Producing Karma
2. Nam - Body-determining Karma
3. Gotra - Status-determining Karma
4. Ayushya - Age-Determining Karma
1) Vedniya (Feeling producing) Karma : Vedniya Karma is responsible for all the pleasure and pain we feel. Some of the effects of Vedniya Karma are good health, happiness, sickness, sorrow, etc.
Vedniya Karma is divided into two sub-types:
1. Ashata (unhappiness causing) Vedniya
2. Shata (Happiness causing) Vedniya
Ashata Vedniya Karma is built by causing pain to others, harassing others, killing others, causing others to worry, and by making others miserable. Shata Vedniya Karma is built by making others happy, helping others, giving others protection and peace, and sharing with and comforting others.
Vedniya Karma can be shed by offering comfort, kindness, help, protection, and peace to others.
When we rid ourselves of Vedniya Karma our souls attains infinite bliss. The pure soul has no disease, pain, sorrow, boredom, or uneasiness and is ever blissful.
2) Nam (Body determining) Karma : Nam Karma determines what type of body the soul will have, and what it will look like.
Nam Karma is divided into one hundred and three sub-types. The major groups are:
1. Gati (Existence determining) Nam Karmas
2. Jatinam (Number of senses determining) Nam Karmas
3. Sharir (Body determining) Nam Karmas
4. Angopanga (Chief and parts of bodies determining) Nam Karmas
5. Samhanan (Firmness of Joints determining) Nam Karmas
6. Samsthan (Figure determining) Nam Karmas
7. Bandhan (Different bodies binding) Nam Karmas
8. Samghatana (Different pudgals of bodies binding) Nam Karmas
9. Varna (color determining) Nam Karma
10. Gnadha (Odor determining) Nam Karma
11. Ras (Taste determining) Nam Karma
12. Sparsha (Touch determining) Nam Karma
13. Anupoorvi (Direction determining) Nam Karma
14. Vihayogati (Movement determining) Nam Karma
15. Tirthankar (To be Tirthankar determining) Nam Karma
16. Shubh Nam Karma
17. Ashubh Nam Karma
Some effects of Nam Karma are beauty, ugliness, good fortune, misfortune, prosperity, adversity; honor, and dishonor. One may be born as a dev, human, bird, animal, a plant, or hellish beings on account of Nam Karma.
On hundred and three sub-types of Nam Karma are also grouped in two broad groups:
1. Shubh (good) Nam Karma.
2. Ashubh (bad) Nam Karma.
Shubh Karma is acquired by being kind to all people, being gentle and helpful, maintaining good conduct, and leading a simple life. Those who strictly follow the discipline and rules of religion earn Dev-gati Nam karma. Those who are charitable, merciful and perform religious activities earn Manushya Nam Karma. Those who acquire Tirthankar Nam Karma become Tirthankars in life after next.
Ashubh karma is acquired by making fun of people who are ugly or short or by showing off our build. Being proud of physical beauty, power, caste, intelligence, knowledge, and wealth also build Ashubh Nam karma. Those who cheat and deceive others earn Tiryanch Nam Karma.
Those who are violent and kill others earn Hellish Nam Karma.
Nam Karma can be shed by always being kind, loving, generous, and patient and by admiring those who are beautiful and those who are not. The observance of purity also helps to shed Ashubh Nam karma.
When we rid ourselves of Nam Karma, our souls become Arupi. In this state the soul is freed from its body and becomes formless.
3) Gotra (Status determining) Karma : Gotra Karma determines your social and economical status. There are two sub-types of Gotra Karma:
1. Nichcha (Lower status determining) Gotra Karma
2. Uchcha (Higher status determining) Gotra Karma
Nichcha Gotra Karma causes you to be low and poor in society. Uchcha Gotra Karma causes you to be high, well respected and wealthy in society.
Nichcha Gotra Karma is built by disrespecting people, being egoistic and proud, and making fun of others. Uchcha Gotra Karma is built by having devotion and faith in the Jain Sangh, not looking down upon anyone, being free from pride, respecting and honoring all, and treating everyone with love.
Gotra Karma can be shed by being respectful towards those who have status and towards those who do not.
Once our Gotra Karma is shed, our souls become Agurulaghu.
4) Ayushya (Age Determining) Karma : Ayushya Karma decides your life span. Ayushya karma may be shortened somewhat, but can not be prolonged. The Ayushya karma for the next life is decided only once in each life time; specifically, when two thirds of your current life has passed. If it is not decided during the next two thirds of your remaining life time. For example let us assume that you were live 99 years then your Ayushya karma will be decided when you pass 66 years. If it was not decided by then, Ayushya karma will be decided when next 22 years were passed and so on. Ayushya karma will not be acquired if the soul is going to be liberated in the current life. There are four sub-types of Ayushya Karma:
1. Narak (Infernal) Ayushya Karma
2. Tiryancha (Animal) Ayushya Karma
3. Manushya (Human) Ayushya Karma
4. Dev (Celestial) Ayushya Karma
Depending upon its effects, some may live short lives while others may live longer. Ayushya Karma is built by engaging in violent activities and taking the lives of others.
Ayushya Karma can be shed by showing compassion towards everybody.
Once all of our Ayushya Karma has been shed, our souls attain Akshaysthiti. In this state the soul becomes immortal and is never reborn.
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