The Stoic Concept of God
By Ms. Isha Gamlath
Senior Lecturer Dept. of Western Classics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
The Abstract - Philosophers of the Hellenistic school had their own views of God. The term God seem to have played a large part in determining their philosophical speculations. This paper draws attention to the Stoic concept of God.
God as Fire : Like Heracleitus, the Stoics too used the term logos for God. Logos stands for a variety of implications such as law, reason, plan, and purpose.
According to the Stoic philosopher, Zeno there are two ultimate principles in the universe:
1. God
2. Matter
Their characteristics are as follows:
1. God is active
2. God has many qualities
3. God makes the world and all its constituents
4. God is the controlling power of the universe
5. Matter is passive
6. Matter has on qualities
God and Matter are linked together. Their link brings forth the following elements:
Earth water
Air Fire
God or Logos absorbs all 4 elements. Then nothing is left except moisture. Seneca in Naturals Questiones quotes 'in moisture lies hidden the promise of the world.' The world is covered by fires and begins from moisture.
Air and fire are the active force of universe or the soul
Water and Earth are the passive matter or the body
Force and Matter are the soul and body of the universe.
God as Breath : Breath is regarded as a mixture of are and fire. God to the Stoics is Fire or pyr technikon. Breath which is God is a body. The body with its connection to matter gives rise to the first body or the origin of the universe.
God as Cause : Seneca in 'Letters' Says that God is the cause that gives form to matter. God then can be called nature, fate and providence.
God and man : Both God and Man possess reason animals, who are subordinate to man exist to be exploited by men. They have no rights no reason or rationality But' there is close connection man. For E.G.
1. God communicates with man in sleep.
2. God maybe the cause of omens.
3. God punished the bad as a lesson for others.
4. God has to be obeyed by man.
5. God checks everything and causes war as a measure against over - population.
6. God stands for goodness virtue and knowledge.
7. God designs the path for man.
8. God is like a father to child Cleanthes in his Hymn to Zeus calls God a father.
9. God ought to be praised.
10. God rules the whole universe.
The Stoic concept of God, then associates man and universe. Both depend on the Stoic God or logos.
Bibliography :
Zeller, E |
Outlines of the history of Greek Philosophy, Routledge And Kegan Paul Ltd, New york,1955. |
Goldin, O and Kilroe. P |
Human Life and the Natural World, Broadview Press, 1997. |
Isha Gamlath (Senior Lecturer), Dept. of Classics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
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